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Start to an Unknown Passion

Sometimes Unknown Places takes you to unknown journey which most of the times is inwards. All you need is a non-presumptuous mind and few different minded and fearless people along with you which would take you the most obvious places but would be very different for you. As a resultant, it allows your mind to process that environment afresh and move with a completely different thinking process through the journey.

It can vary from person to person, but usually deep down your heart and mind you know something has changed forever after that one interaction one place one feeling one acceptance of that circumstance and it allows your mind to delve deeper into that path.

I am going to let all of us take to that journey which i had experienced and am very grateful to the eternal TIME for that. So, it happened to me 4 years and 3 months back i.e. April 2019. In the start of summer season, i went to a place for the first time with my 2 good and relatively new friends. (Disclaimer : I had never seen the snow physically in front of my eyes before this.) It started off as a beautiful journey through the night and as the dawn started, the beautiful river stream sounds and an altogether different ambience of the environment started to take over. And as we arrived at that place, it was once in a lifetime feeling that started on its own. In a beautiful setting of an open cottage and all those afar snow-clad mountains shining in glorious sunlight in the middle of the day which i had never seen before, we started to have few drinks and somewhere in that conversation, i had a look all around me and then and THERE i saw a snow-clad mountain peak from which i could not take my eyes off and it was a first glimpse of the wish that one should be like that peak, standing on its own and felt massively in my heart, i have to reach and stand along with a peak someday. And i did not know that at that point, down the line in very few years, it would start to become a reality. And along with that, unconsciously it happened so naturally from that point onwards that i would quit my bad habits very quickly to become mentally and physically fit just to fulfill my unknown passion.

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Amit Sahu
Amit Sahu
Aug 23, 2023

A mesmerizing view described beautifully.

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